Meet Janelle.

Hi there. I am Janelle.

I was introduced to yoga in my early 20’s. I was intrigued by the idea of using physical movement as a way to quiet the mind. Initially I was drawn to the physical aspect, the asana yoga practice. It was time that allowed me to see the connection yoga brings not only to the body, but to the mind, the spirit, and the world around us.

I spent my 20’s traveling and photographing everything I could get my camera in front of. We(my boyfriend at the time, who is now my dashing husband) and I eventually took to traveling our own backyard of British Columbia. We experienced the north, sat in natural hot-springs, camped in the wilderness, fished, biked, hiked, and even motorbiked. We were able to grow and challenge ourselves in our careers, but the longing for home was in both of us, so we followed our hearts back to the Okanagan Valley. Back home.


It was here that our feet became firmly grounded. It was here where those little yoga seeds that were planted in my early 20’s began to take root. A desire to move my body, but also a longing to reconnect inward and align my body with my spirit.

A door was opened, and that door led me towards a deeper yoga practice, that led me to taking my teacher training, and has continued pulling me forward along this path.

The journey of yoga is one that never ends. It has many forms. It has many shapes. It is engulfed in feelings(physically and emotionally) and in listening to that voice within our spirit and within our body.


My hope is that Skaha Flow can open that door for others, and be the space to support a yoga practice that weaves together rhythm, grace, and strength.

Whether it’s in class or online, I hope that somehow we will connect and I can share my love of this beautiful practice with you, and that we can create ripples of change in this world together.